Delhi Quizzing Inc

Sunday, December 03, 2006


What can I say about the "great" Delhi University*. There is no adjective in the title as I couldn't decide between, "DU*...PU!!!" or "Screw You, DU*!" or a plain "DU* sucks!" Is it a case of sour grapes? Wrong! Panache was a case of sour grapes, the DU* quizzes were just utter nonsense! First the rubbish at Hindu, followed by more poppycock at Daulat Ram and a joke at Venkys on the 30th to really seal it. Amateur nite, ladies and gentlemen. Silly questions which were un-friggin'-workable! Nimish's list of victims in his "50,000 Quiz" plan has increased(if he ever executes it!). Let's go one-by-one, shall we?
1. Hindu College. 29th. History Society Quiz.
No solo participation. I was stuck with some Hindu girl who seemed as interested in the quiz as I would be in a reality TV show. Nimish+Nitesh (team DON!, sorry Nimish) didn't make it. Unfortunately, I did. Final round. We're met with questions such as "In which year did construction of the Taj Mahal begin and end?" and "Where did the bombs in the London Bombings last summer explode?" I was in perennial second, with Maurya's team in the lead. Then something weird happened. The last two rounds ended up in such a way that one team (Maurya's) won with 24 points and the rest of us were on 18! No certi or prize. Fine; Go suck a neutron star, no0bs.
2. Daulat Ram. 10 teams in the qualifying. 8 teams in the final. Guess which two didn't make it? Here's a hint: the best two!
3. Venkys. A weird qualifying round with questions such as "What is the hindi-dubbed version of the Matrix called?" The answer is 'Mayajaal', folks but they insisted on 'Mahashaktimaan'! Whatever! The final round was filled with Ambiguous, Silly questions and a downright ridiculous argument that "We have a more precise answer!" Sorry mate, if you are unaware of the basics of quizzing, let me tell you that it's the team that gives the right answer FIRST who gets the points, not the precise to-the-dot, spelt correctly answer.

And yes, even in the good quizzes don't always expect to get your prize. Pradyumna, I'm still waiting...

To summarize; DU* quizzes are amateurish jokes organized by dolts who probably think that KBC is the know-all end-all of quizzing and invite "pros" such as self, who are drawn by the prestigious name of the college and the hope that the prestigious name will translate into a prestigious financial renumeration.
To summarize the summary; DU* quizzes should be attended IFF you know the guy hosting the quiz and even then don't have high hopes.
To summarize the summary of the summary; Screw You, DU*, DU*...PU!, DU* Sucks!

* - The term DU applies to all Delhi University colleges, except the Delhi College of Engineering and the Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology


  • They should carry banners in DU...

    Warning: Disaster Area

    By Blogger Nimish Batra, at 11:06 PM, December 05, 2006  

  • nsit and dce both come under DU btw


    By Blogger Tikna, at 5:37 AM, December 06, 2006  

  • @ankit sud
    Point noted. Kindly observe edited post...

    By Blogger Unknown, at 6:17 AM, December 06, 2006  

  • IMS Quotient - the biggest and the smartest intercollegiate quiz competition is scheduled to happen in Delhi on the 3rd of Feb 2007. This quiz is happening across 24 cities. I have participated in IQ from Mumbai. The quiz has some very interesting and innovative rounds. If you wish to participate in IQ, just use this link to register,

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:14 AM, February 01, 2007  

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